A miracle step from our miracle boy!

What makes this so special? Well, when he was born 16 months ago he was just a tiny little spark of life. He weighed 1 kilogram and had very serious brain bleeds. The doctors cautiously told us that he may not survive more than a week, and that if he did survive the chances of normal develpment were not very favourable.
Well, his little life has had some challenges. He has spent about a third of his life in hospitals. But, his life has many more miraculous signs of God's powerful healing grace!
That first step on the beach today is a testimony to the power of God to lovingly and powerfully answer prayers, beyond what we could ever hope or imagine (Eph 3:20). This evening when I got home from work Liam took another step (just showing off! Haha)
We thank God for his life, and his living! Megan and I continue to fast each Friday for all children, and their parents, who long to experience God's healing power.
Reader Comments (4)
Hey Dion - would appreciate your and Megan's prayers for myself, my hubby and my daughter over the next few months.
You can read my life history on my blog, but the long and short of it is that I nearly lost my faith over a period of 2 years - I experienced a massive knock to my faith in 2005, followed by nearly losing my first child (also in 2005), and then losing my second child in 2007.
We both still believe, but we're still struggling massively. God has been so good to us though, and I just know that he has a plan to work all this out. However, we're going to be trying again later this year.
The problem is that I have a 70% chance of losing any future pregnancy I have. On drugs (which will cost me about R10,000 per year) that risk is diminished (to about 40%), but not gone.
Please can you pray with us, and for us, that our faith would continue to be strengthed and rebuilt, and that we would lose no further children?
Thanks so much!
Hi D and Megs
I am so thrilled to hear this news.
Take care,
Great, Great, Great, Liam the Great!
This is just another reason why he is called LtG!! YAY!!! :)
Love & blessings Janet