There are few places as beautiful as this across the world!

However, this photo shows the Vergelegen (Dutch for 'distant location') wine farm in Somerset West. I had to drive 7 whole minutes to get there! The farm itself was established in 1700 by the governor of the Cape, Simon van der Stell (Pete, who is a real historian can correct the facts if I'm wrong).
When I see views like these I am reminded that I live in one of the most beautiful and exotic places in the world! Sure, Somerste West does have a bit more to see than many other places in South Africa, but I'm sure the South African readers of this site could fill pages and pages with the names and experiences of locations they've visited in Southern Africa.
I loved Israel the last time I was there, and I look forward to visiting manyvery significant places in the week to come, but I can't wait to get home to my family and these wonderful views!
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