NIRSA - an honest reflection on the state of the Church in South Africa.

The statistics of the South African National census (between 1911 and 2001) show that there has been steady increase in the number of persons who profess the Christian faith (in 2001, 79% of South Africans). However, what this reflects, in reality, is that 79% of all crimes, all acts of corruption, all aspects of abuse of women and children.... (and the list could go on and one) are perpetrated (79% of them at least) by Christians!
Of course the reality is that 79% of South Africans are not Christians, rather the Church is a much weaker and less influential aspect of society. This is a wakeup call for us! We have a responsibility to bring persons into a real life encounter with Christ our Lord, and then we need to equip such persons will the values of the Gospel of Christ (grace, love, morals, inclusivity etc.) and the tools that each peraon will need in order to bring these values to bear on society at large in order to establish what we pray for each Sunday, namely the establishment of God's Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven...
Of course, I ask myself, if there are so many churches, and so many christians, why don't we mobilise ourselves to address our government!? Are we, as Christians, OK with the silence of our government on what is taking place in Zimbabwe? Are we happy that corrupt leaders rule our nation and become the role models our children follow? Have we possibly given over our responsibility for what takes place in society to a government that doesn't care what the majority of our population thinks or wants for South Africa?
I am challenged! One of the speakers noted that we should 'aspire to inspire before we expire'.
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