Off to parliament today

This has been a fruitful, yet busy, weekend. We started with the ITN Confernce on Friday morning. It was a truly inspiriational event. I have given some reflection on the challenge to 'make the most of every opportunity' (note every, NOT just every religious, or ever Church, opportunity) as Paul writes in Eph 5:15-17 in this Wednesday's program The ministry and me that will be broadcast at 9am (CAT) on Radio Pulpit (you can listen to it via streaming audio at ).
Over the course of the weekend I could sense a shift in the hearts and minds of the delegates, most of whom were from 'the marketplace' i.e., from workplaces, large corporations, high office in government and other political parties, and education. There was a growing sense of recognition that God desires that we utilize every opportunity at ouir disposal, 'living wise, and not foolish lives', to establish God Kingdom of grace. The alliance between pulpit pastors and people who see their presence in the marketplace as an opportunity for ministry, is powerful! Of course the aim is to achieve the will of God through such strategic ministry, and in so doing not only to bring personal salvation, but also to work against systemic sin (such as poverty, greed, human rights abuses, corruption etc.)
The clinching thought for me was when one person asked 'If Bill Gates were converted in your Church, would you put him in charge of your Church's finance committee, or would you equip and train him to go back into the marketplace to impact the global economy with God's will and grace?' A real challenge!
So, today we shall be in parliament with some key leaders to seek to influence the climate of our nation by speaking peace, sharing grace, but also bringing challenge and truth. We met with some key South African and international leaders until just after 11pm last night to prepare for this critical meeting today.
I hope to be able to send a few pictures through, and some reflections. Please do keep this event in your prayers.
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