On this Holy Friday...

May we all come to know, and appreciate, that grace is God's free gift to us, but that it came at an immeasurable cost. I am overwhelmed by the knowledge that God would become like us, so that we could become more like Him.
What commitment, what courage, what love... So amazing, so divine, demands my life, my soul, my all.
I pray that you will find blessing, joy and peace - since these are all the gifts of Christ.
Today is human rights day in South Africa - let us also remember in our prayers those who sacrificed their lives out of conviction and love for our secular and religious freedoms. And, let us pray for those who live under oppression of any kind (whether it be Tibetans under Chinese rule, Iraqi's under American occupation, or Palestinians in the Israeli grip of violence and war... Perhaps it is a child living under an abusive parent, or a spouse in a life sapping relationship... Maybe it is someone who lives in drudgery and want, simply doing a draining job to pay their bills, or someone who longs to have the dignity of labour, but can find no work.... Remember those who are ill, those who are disabled, and those who mourn). Christ is enough for all life, and for life in all it's fullness! We know that Christ has overcome all death and sin! We know that in him there is life, fullness of life. We share in the joy of bring that life to the world - what an honour, what a responsibility!
Remember, and be blessed!
Technorati tags: Good Friday, death, Victory, Easter, China, Tibet,
Reader Comments (2)
Please don't link to this picture without giving credit to where it is from by having a link to www.more4kids.info. It takes up our computer resources and we will have to remove it.
Thanks for the comment Kevin - with the low traffic that my site attracts you probably used more bandwidth surfing to my page and posting your comment! I am pleased that you visited though! You're correct, I should have referenced the picture, or remove it. I have removed the picture from the post.
Sorry for the trouble.
Rich blessing in your ministry,