Photobooth shot while live on Air

I always take my Macbook Pro with me when I go on the radio (one of the programs I do is a live phone in program where people can phone in and ask any questions they have about the Bible in its entirety. Now, while I know quite a few things about the New Testament and Greek, my Hebrew and knowledge of the Old Testament is a little bit shabby)! So, the Macbook comes in handy. This photo was taken using 'Photobooth' on the Mac, and was taken while live in studio on the day of my accident (in fact probably 20 minutes before I was knocked off
my Vespa). Ah those where the day when I could still walk ;-) If you're interested in listening in you can go to and listen via the internet feed. My program (called 'The ministry and me') broadcasts ever second Wednesday at 9am CAT (central African time), and the live program ('Do you understand what you're reading?') goes out on Friday mornings at 8am CAT.
my Vespa). Ah those where the day when I could still walk ;-) If you're interested in listening in you can go to and listen via the internet feed. My program (called 'The ministry and me') broadcasts ever second Wednesday at 9am CAT (central African time), and the live program ('Do you understand what you're reading?') goes out on Friday mornings at 8am CAT.
Note to self... Get a haircut!
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