Now this is creative advertising! Giving away FREE air guitars!

I like people who 'think outside of the box'... a few years ago I saw something similar to the post below in London's Victoria station, they were having an 'air guitar' contest and giving away free 'air guitar' plectrums (also to advertise a radio station if I recall)... Their budget was obviously a lot less than these guys, since they could only afford an AIR PLECTRUM!!!
ha ha!
Here's the story:
It was an epic day for hundreds of rockers in Glasgow when Rock Radio Station 96.3 handed out free air guitars to dozens who showed up at the Glasgow City Centre. The good ones were gone quickly while a few locals got greedy and tried to nab more than one air guitar before security was tipped off. A select few Les Paul and Fender Strat models showed up immediately on Ebay being sold at a premium along with an air guitar tuner and free shipping included.
[via Gizmodo]
Technorati tags: advertising, stretch your budget, air guitar, Glasgow
Reader Comments (1)
Just make sure you use your air guitar with an amp that goes up to eleven.