Forgiveness and productivity... The economy of the heart!

I read this post with great interest. It starts with a sad reality and ends with some measure of hope.
How I wish, however, that Joel not only learned to forgive, but the live within God's loving forgiveness... But, that is a post for another day.
Here's the meaningful, and helpful, post from Joel!
Technorati tags: Forgiveness, Christian, no longer Christian, Hannah MooreI'm not a Christian anymore. Perhaps I got a raw deal when God was passing out
churches - mine was shaken apart in my late teens by a pastor who got busted for sneaking a few hundred thousand out of the offering plate to buy Nazi war memorabilia, not to mention banging a few dozen women who came to him for marriage counseling - but I've made my peace with the Prince of it.
One particularly Christian principle has apparently stuck with me over the years. It wasn't until recently that I rediscovered it. (Not animal sacrifice, which I never abandoned.) And whether Jesus of Nazareth existed as a real meat person or was the product of a coterie of desert sci-fi novelists, one thing he taught has been helping me a lot lately.
It’s awfully nice to forgive. read more »
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