11 T-Shirts that only Geeks and Nerds would wear!

I'll confess... I have at least one of the T-Shirts on this list.... (click the link if the pictures don't load on my page - I've noticed that they don't load all the time).
- MySpace Junkie
There is probably an inverse relationship between the number of friends one has in reality to the number of friends one has on Myspace. So, for all of you Myspace friend adding psycho’s out there, this one is for you. - WordPress Blogging Platform
I’m not sure how ecstatic a person could get about their word press blog. I mean, unless you’re making tons of money off of advertising like Perez Hilton, I can’t see you running out to buy your spanking new “WordPress” t-shirt. - Librarian Bust
Remember back in the 80’s when you had to do research for a paper and you would actually take “trips” to the library? It’s obvious that with the advent of Google and how it transformed the search for information, that same paper that may have taken you 10 hours to research and write may now only take you 5! It’s great for the researchers but horrible for traditional librarians! - RTFM
There seems to be a cleaver relationship between the geek phrase “Read the Effing Manual” and the Red book that was endorsed by the former chairman of the communist part of China, Mao Zedong. I could just see Mao right now yelling to his deprived nation, “RTFM!!!” - PWN3D
For all of the gamers and other competitive nerds, this one’s for you. - Graphic/Web Designers
If you think you’ve got a “sixth sense” for criticizing graphic design, you should probably own this one. If you often feel there could be something added to the space and the pixels “just aren’t right”, you should own this one too! - Wireless Frequency Network Nerds
Everyone knows that the universal frequency for a wifi signal is 802.11, why not wear it? Does this shirt somehow imply that you’d like others to connect to your “personal” network? Hopefully your network isn’t password protected or you’ll probably be having a night alone. - All your base are belong to us!
So, this is a mash-up shirt that combines common hex values and the Zero Wing arcade game. - Programming and Computer Languages
- PTOE T Shirt
Just in case you’re really into chemistry and you haven’t already memorized each element in the Periodic Table of Elements, you can refer to your shirt—I’m sure this guy does. - SYN - Denial of Attack
I’m not sure who this guy is sending his SYN packets to, but I hope it’s not our server!
Technorati tags: geek, nerd+fashion, facebook friends, facebook vs myspace, geek t-shirts, SYN, pwner
Reader Comments (1)
Hahaha.Awesome t-shirts...wish they were available at stores.