Guy unknowingly uploads pictures of himself from a stolen Nokia phone...

I have Shozu set up on my mobile phone - it allows me to upload photos taken on the phone directly to my flickr account, and to blogger.
This stupid criminal didn't realize that the phone he had stolen was set up to automatically send all photographs to the internet!
This photo was taken on my previous cellphone after it had been stolen. Someone tried to upload it through Shozu to my Flickr account, but the attempt failed due to disabled Shozu-Flickr authorization. So, Shozu automatically emailed it to me. I didn't notice it then (thought it was spam ) and spotted it only yesterday while digging in my gmail archive. Looks similiar to that story about Macbook photobooth you covered in September'07.
Then there are these stories of a guy who did the same on a stolen Apple iMac! He uploaded pictures of himself - almost 500 000 people viewed the pictures on flickr and he ended up being caught (handing over the stolen machine at a local police station).
Just be sure that if you're going to allow your computer to auto upload all the pictures you take, that you're willing to have whatever you take seen by others!
Technorati tags: shozu, nokia, imac, photobooth, stupid thief
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