Neuroscience meets mail room...

I love the mind... I love the way the brain, the most complex of human organs, functions to help us construct reality... It is truly one of God's most wonderful creations - much more than just a 'sack of neurons' floating in an 'electrical storm' and a 'chemical bath'...
NOW, my love for Neuroscience has found a new application - postage stamps!!! Heck I would LOVE to receive a letter with a 'brain' stamp on the front of it!!!!
Here's what I'm talking about:

The University of Washington's Neuroscience For Kids site has a fantastic gallery of postage stamps from around the world that feature neuroscience-related themes. From left: USA/Medical Imaging, United Nations/Drug Abuse (opium poppy in background), Belgium/Drug Abuse, Israel/Medical Engineering. Link (via Mind Hacks).
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