Anathema! Heresy! Surely it cannot be? Mapple!

That's it! I've just given up on the Simpsons ;-)
This has to be one of the best Simpsons clips ever! It kind of reminds me of 'The emperors new clothes'! ha ha! OK, so who wants a Macbook Air, an iPhone and an iMac... Drop me a line, after watching this video I may just send you mine... I have seen the light! I'm going to get a Window$ Vi$sta machine! I want viruses, I want slow startup times, I want ugly, I want to move from the Mac!
Not really!
Reader Comments (3)
eh, well... if you change your mind, I wouldn't mind an iMac or the iPhone... I'd even let you keep the air as a trade off for the other two! ;)
Hi Dion
I'm more than willing to swap my ugly, slow, virus-laden WinDoze machine for yours, if you really want it!
Haha!! WinDOZE .... I love it!!!!
Phew, for a moment there Dion, I thought that one of these Windows viruses had got you!!!
Have a great week!!!!