Giving thanks a year later - Donald Ian Forster

This morning I woke early to spend some time looking through photos (this photo on the left shows my dad about a few months before his death - it was taken at my mom's 60th Birthday celebrations), reading a few scripture verses, and spending some time in prayer and meditation.
It was on this day last year (31st of December 2007) that my father, Donald Ian Forster, passed away. He was 64 years old and had suffered a number of sever strokes in the two years leading upon to his death. For the last two years of his life he suffered paralysis in his left limbs, but he was quite stoic and upbeat about it!
I love my dad. He was an inspiration! He grew up in Zimbabwe (which was were I was born), he served in the police and army and attained the rank of Captain in the British South African Police (BSAP). He trained as an accountant and restarted his life completely on two occasions. First, after he any my biological mother were divorced (I was two), and second when he left Zimbabwe with just his car (it was a brand new Mercedes!), what he could carry in it, and his wits to start him off! He did well in South Africa and provided a great home for our family (my step mom, Margie (who is realy the only mother I have known), my brother Robin, and my step sister Sueann and step brother Gary).
I see a lot of my father's character in my own. Sometimes it is good, sometimes I recognise elements that are not so good (I think most men can identify with this!)
Well, today I give thanks for his life. I pray that my mom, brothers and sisters, will continue to find healing and peace.
I am reminded that I too will follow that path. So, I'll make the best of this day. I will love my wife and children with abandon, and I will do my best to take better care of my body! Thank you Lord for time, and for the blessing of being able to love and be loved! I am thankful that I can put 2009 in perspective by remembering some of the joys and sorrows of 2008.
May the year ahead be a truly blessed one for all of you!
Reader Comments (1)
We wish you a happy 2009 and hope it is a great year! Lots of love to Megie, Courts and Liam:)