Well done! Perspective, ministry and life.

One of the passages from scripture that frequently captures my imagination is from Psalm 90:12, it reads:
Teach us to number our days correctly (wisely) that we may gain a heart of wisdom
It was in my mid 20's, as my parents grew older, my grandparents passed away, and I began to realise that I was needing to be a lot more careful and strategic about my energy, time and involvement in things, that this passage first encountered me. At that stage I was much more energetic than I am now - like most young men I guess that I believed life would never end! I felt invincible! Now, however, I am well aware of the fact that I have this one life to live, and that I want to spend it achieving things that are truly worthwhile - things that honour God and bless all those whom God loves. The outcome of that would be to hear these words at my life's end:
Well done my good and faithful servant (Matthew 25:21).
Well, here's a little video reflection on ministry, life, and numbering our days!
I would love to hear your perspectives on this.
I go on leave for a a short while - I am looking forward to a little more time for reflection, re-creation (being created anew), and rediscovery! Please do spare a prayer for us as a family as we take this time.
I will be posting all sorts of nonsense to my blog during that time... I'm sure you wouldn't expect anything less!
Thanks for the comments, faithful following, and kind friendship throughout the year. It has been an absolute blast! I will reflect on many of the joys and sorrows in the next few days and hope to post something about that. I had the joy of starting a new ministry, learning many new things, meeting incredible people, traveling to wonderful places. I've had two books published with my close friend Dr. Wessel Bentley (and the wheels started turning for our third book together just yesterday). We've moved into a new home. I've recovered from my motorcycle accident... There's so much!
But, the one thing that keeps encouraging and blessing me is the memory of a sacrificial gesture by my friend Pete Grassow. Some of you may recall that I broke my leg just weeks before our move to Cape Town. Pete flew from Johannesburg to Cape Town to drive me (and my car) back (it turned out to be a 16 hour drive!). I am still amazed by his love and care, this is truly what it means to be Christian and I thank God for you Pete! You're a true example of someone who's got that balance I speak about above right. Your life is spent ministering to people. I would love to be near you on the day we hear the Lord speaking of your life!
As for now, I still have quite a few things that need to be done before this day is spent...
Technorati tags: significance, life, friendship, most important, thanks
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