Great idea! Send your old shoes to Dubya's Liberry...

Have you got an old pair of shoes lying around, waiting to be used in a ritual gesture of disrespect? Send 'em to the GW Bush liberry so they can put them on the My Pet Goat shelf.
Old Shoes (via Making LightGeorge W. Bush Presidential Library
c/o SMU
6425 Boaz Lane
Dallas TX 75205
(Image: Worn Out Shoes, a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike photo from Eschipul's Flickr stream)
From here: Boingboing
(animated gifs removed, they were messing with the formatting of the page).
Reader Comments (1)
As http://bishopalan.blogspot.com/2008/12/george-bush-edomite.html" REL="nofollow">Bishop Alan says, Psalm 60:8 gives the clue.