Where to register for the 2009 South African elections (8 November 2008)

Yesterday I spent a few minutes trying to figure out where to register for the 2009 elections in South Africa. You see, if you've moved to a new area since the last elections you will need to take your bar-coded ID book and get registered to vote in your area for 2009!
Sadly, the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) website is of not help whatsoever!
So, here's what I did, I simply drove to one or two schools and Churches in our area. I soon found that the local voter registration station was at Beaumont Primary school, down the road from us. I would venture that you are likely to find a voter registration at a Church, community hall, library, municipal building, or school in your area. So simply take your ID book and go for a little drive!
Wouldn't it be GREAT if the IEC actually served us by telling us where to go? Perhaps a Google Map with locations pinned on it, or even simpler, a searchable database on their website! Ah, but alas, we'll get it right IN SPITE of the civil service (or should that be civil masters!)
Please register to vote! There is a lot at stake in our land, and let us never forget the incredible price of human lives that ways paid so that we have the freedom to participate in the shaping of our future!
Reader Comments (1)
Hi, this link seems to allow you to search quite nicely...
Unfortunately it only works in IE.