Introverted? More careful than most? Perhaps you are left-handed!

I am ambidextrous to a large extent - I have both dexterous and sinister abilities when it comes to writing, holding my knife and fork, and even playing sport (and this is only in the sense that I perform all of these activities equally badly regardless of which hand I use!) One thing, however, that I cannot say about myself is that I am an overly private and quiet person... I live my life in public (as this blog shows!)
But, here's an interesting piece of research:
New research suggests the lefties are more likely to be inhibited and anxious. Psychologist Lynn Wright and her colleagues at the University of Abertay Dundee ran behavioral tests on more than 100 people to see if they agreed with statements like “I worry about making mistakes, "“Criticism or scolding hurts me quite a bit," and “I often act on the spur of the moment." The answers of left-handed subjects revealed more reticence than righties. From New Scientist:
In left-handers the right half of the brain is dominant, and it is this side that seems to control negative aspects of emotion. In right-handers the left brain dominates..."Left-handed people are more inhibited"However, (Swansea University behavioral neuroscientist Philip Corr, who was not involved in the study,) says handedness is not so much a predictor of personality as a great way to understand how emotions are handled in our brains. “Although we may have a predisposition to an inhibition, that may encourage us during adulthood or childhood to develop coping strategies,” he says. “It could act as a blessing.”
Wright, a lefty, agrees. “They [left-handers] like to colour-code things, they like to write lists, it’s almost a way to alleviate their stress,” she says..
Reader Comments (3)
100 people doesn't seem like a huge sample but, I have to say, that I'm seriously into list making and colour coding. :)
Wow!! That is my daughter through and through. As for being ambidextrous - that would be my husband. I hated playing tennis with him, when one arm got tired, he just swopped over. So unfair!!!
A very interesting post / link.
Love and blessings
I agree with the "lists" part. My wife's left-handed, and for most things (even the mundane) she has a Plan B, Plan C, etc...
However, I've found that the biggest problem that I have with her left-handedness is that when she swings it, being right-handed myself I never know which way to duck!