Be still and know that I am busy... And I don't mind! But...

I like being busy! There is an element of my ego that is bound up on productivity - call it the Calvinist work ethic (perhaps one of the only things that I like about Calvin ;-)
Of course, anything other than God that one relies on in order to give shape to one's true identity needs to be dealt with! I find that the only way in which I can overcome this weakness is to withdraw from my natural proclivity towards activity, and just "be still". Of course the Psalmist urges us to "be still" in order to come to "know" that God is God. The interesting thing is that the word "know" that is used in this passage is a Hebrew word that refers to intimacy.
Intimacy, truth, and relationship require time. I'm not too good at it. I long for it, but I am not all that good at it!
Here's a little video reflection on being still:
The examen of conscience, from the spiritual exercises of St Ignatius (to which I refer in this video) are the following:
St. Ignatius' General Examination of Conscience
1. Give thanks to God our Lord for the favors received
2. Ask for the grace to know your sins
3. Examine how you have lived this day
4. Ask forgiveness for any faults
5. Resolve to amend with the grace of God
Quite a useful little exercise to measure each day's activity in relation to God and those whom God loves and I should love!
Reader Comments (2)
I recognise myself so much in what you are saying in that I can be so busy I can forget to make time for God. This is a timely reminder.
I like the video's as well. keep it going.
A great reflection my friend. Thank-you.
However ....
should you be filming and driving simultaneously? :)