How to stream live video to twitter or your blog with a cell phone.

A while ago I heard about a great FREE tool for the Nokia S60 series phones (E90, N95, E71, E51 etc.) that allows you to stream (or post) live from your cell phone to the web. Yesterday I discovered how to stream that video via Twitter or Blogger.
If you're on a narrow pipe, or accessing this site from an iPhone or a browser that does not have flash installed then these are the steps:
1. Make sure you have a phone that supports QIK (I use a Nokia E90, but any Symbian S60 phone will work, such as a Nokia E51, E71, and even some Sony Ericsson phones).
2. Go to and sign in for a qik account.
3. Download and install QIK on your cell phone.
4. In the user profile add a Network for twitter (put in your username and password for twitter).
5. On your phone start QIK, once you are streaming, simply press 55 and it will upload a link to twitter (and facebook if you have the twitter app update your facebook status).
Just a quick word of caution - uploading video from your cell phone can be expensive! It uses more than 1MB per minute of video, so make sure you have a data plan loaded, and DON'T use QIK while you're roaming!
I hope that helps! Let me know if you start using QIK, I would love to follow your QIK stream (Gus, Steve Lottering, Stephen Benvenutti, Paul Steyn and ALL the other Nokia users out there!)
Reader Comments (4)
Sounds complicated.
I don't know if it still works - but I think you could also email it to your blog as an attachment.
I'm coming through to somerset west today - please make sure to keep your hands on the wheel.
Crazy guy.
Hey Dr D - next time you visit Worcester, please take 10 minutes to pop into my school for a cup of coffee and quick chat...
Hi Art,
Thanks for the comment my friend!
I meant to say Wellington (this side of the Mountain!) But I will certainly look you up if I come out Worcester way.
Love and blessings,