Friendfeed, twitter, facebook, blogspot, myspace, SMS, voicemail... and love!

The internet has made many things so much easier. Today I had three friends from school, whom I had not had any contact from in over 20 years, contact me via facebook! I keep up to date on the (almost) hourly activities of friends all over the world via twitter. Each night I can get a peek into the thoughts, joys, and struggles of some of my blogging friends by checking out their blog updates. When I need to reach someone and they're in a meeting I can leave a voicemail, and they'll phone back when they can. Then, of course, there is the ubiquitous text message to just send a quick note, a reminder, or tell your wife you love her!
I use all of these technologies (and more!) and still some people say that I am hard to get hold of! My word, what is it going to take? Will I actually have to meet some people in 'the real world' just to satisfy their need for relationship!? ha ha! Articifical intelligence, artificial relationships, artificial living.
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