Catholic Bishops - 'And the word became digital'

Ah fantastic! Some bishops of the Catholic Church have made a great move forward for the Christian faith! When I read this story I wondered how many of the Bishops of my denomination knew what an iPod was?
Let's get with the new technology!
Nice one brothers (or should that be Fathers!)ROME (Hollywood Reporter) - An assembly of Catholic bishops on Monday called for the use of mass communications -- including television, cinema, DVDs and even iPods -- to be used to spread the Bible in as many languages as possible.
The nod toward technology is not unusual: The Vatican had one of Europe's first Web sites, for example, and has always been quick to adopt new technologies. The bishops' conference said that the stakes are higher than ever, arguing that the written word was insufficient for the modern world.
"The voice of the Divine Word must resonate over the radio, on Internet channels with virtual distribution (and by) CDs, DVDs and iPods, and on television and cinema screens," an official statement said.
Reader Comments (2)
OK, what's an iPod, and why do I need one?
Steve, its a fancy music box costing about three grand. A flash drive with equivalent capacity costs about 300 bucks.
Do you need an iPod? Naaaah....
Same goes for satellite navigation devices. Five grand for a Garmin, vs. R110 for a Gauteng Street Guide. The Garmin may keep you company when you get lost, and the map book gets a bit grubby with all the tomato sauce stains and coke spills, but at least the batteries don't go flat in a map book!
Do you need a Garmin? Naaaah....
Don't get me wrong - I use and enjoy technology. I just think that some of the gadgets out there don't justify the price premium.
I'm aware that this attitude of mine towards certain gadgets could create a serious impediment to my future ordination (especially if "Digital Dion" has any say in the matter), so while I'm about it, let me confess that I'm a PC user as well! What's more (horror of horrors), my cellphone is fairly useless for anything other than making calls!
Love the technology chats, Dion. SOMEONE has to keep the rest of us cretins up with the times, so it may as well be you.
(Created on a PC) - hee hee...