They all look pretty much the same - some comfort, but some sadness

I love being in different places. However, the more I travel the more I realise that just about every city that I visit looks more or less the same. This is a shot of a city street in Buenos Aires - can you spot the Golden Arches!? I am quite pleased that they are here since this is where I am getting my free wifi to send this message!
There is some comfort in the familiarity of an urban scene. You know that you can always find something familiar, but I was also thinking that it is quite sad in some ways since one comes to different places to experience something different after all! But, as I walked early this morning I enjoyed the cool breeze, the tall buildings, the tiled streets and the wonderful people around me.
At least the language is different here! I love the Spanish twang in people's voices! I have had the privelage to visit Spain twice, and I can see how those Latin roots have been deeply placed in this South American nation.
Last night we began with a dinner for some of the delegates - it started at around 9pm (2am South African time). By the end of it I was absolutely tired! But I slept well and awoke refreshed at 5 am this morning (around 10am South African time). The 5 hours of sleep did me well.
I am sharing a room with an amazing young guy from Thailand (Phuket to be exact) - he is here to learn how he, as a hotel manager, can learn to honour and bless Christ in his everyday work. We had some great conversations.
It's a lovely day in Buenos Aires today, I am jet lagged and about to go to an economic forum meeting to discuss the global economic crisis with business and church leaders. It is a privilege to be invited to this meeting since some of the world's top Christian business leaders will be present. The aim and intention of the meeting is to see how Christians might respond with Christ's love, grace, and care in the current economic crisis that is gripping the globe. Among those in attendance will be senior business anaylists, owners and CEO's of very large enterprises, some pastors, priest, Bishops, theologians (like myself), and some government leaders from nations in Africa, the Americas and Europe.
PS. Please excuse the poor formatting of this post. I have realised that if I add formatting to the email when I send it to blogger the picture doesn't show up, but if I don't add formatting the line breaks are all wrong! Does anybody have a suggestion about how I could fix this!?
Reader Comments (1)
In our Christian culture, we have gotten stuck in the goo of complexity and need desperately to break out of that and get back to simply following Jesus.
That's not my answer for Africa and what is happening on the continent and the world economy and ours.
But it is my answer for how I should feel about today.
In the first chapter of Acts, the disciples ask Jesus if he's going to reinstate the kingdom of Israel now that he has risen from the dead. I guess I'm asking him this type of stuff, too.
Lord, things are kinda crazy right now. Is this when the system is going to collapse, sending our nation into disaster and the second Great Depression and creating a hyper-need for the Gospel to once again bring hope? I mean, I think I could seeā¦..
But all Jesus says is: It's not for you to know the times or seasons. They ask what's going to happen in the immediate future and His response {roughly translated}: You'll be empowered by the Holy Spirit and you will be my witnesses.
Lord, Is our country and economy going to collapse like Zimbabwe?
You'll be empowered by the Holy Spirit and you will be my witnesses.
Lord, will I lose my investments and retirement funding and all my savings soon?
You'll be empowered by the Holy Spirit and you will be my witnesses.
Lord, is my family going to be out of our homes and on the streets?
You'll be empowered by the Holy Spirit and you will be my witnesses.
That's what it means for me to follow Jesus today. To be okay with not knowing the times or seasons, but to be a witness to the work he is doing in and around me during this anxious time for our nation.
I think our prayer needs new focus.
Just some thoughts, Herman