Podcast: Power outages and potholes - choosing to live on the side of God's hope!

This morning I preached at Calvary Methodist Church, as I have mentioned previously it is truly one of the most remarkable Churches! It is wonderfully racially integrated, they have a truly significant justice ministry, caring for many homeless persons, refugees etc.
Today was their covenant service, a special service for Methodists the world over. You can read about it here. Each year Methodists covenant themselves to be obedient to God's will. The prayer that is used is very meaningful.
The Prayer
- I am no longer my own, but thine.
- Put me to what thou wilt, rank me with whom thou wilt.
- Put me to doing, put me to suffering.
- Let me be employed for thee or laid aside for thee,
- exalted for thee or brought low for thee.
- Let me be full, let me be empty.
- Let me have all things, let me have nothing.
- I freely and heartily yield all things to thy pleasure and disposal.
- And now, O glorious and blessed God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
- thou art mine, and I am thine.
- So be it.
- And the covenant which I have made on earth,
- let it be ratified in heaven.
- Amen.
(as used in the Book of Offices of the British Methodist Church, 1936).
In the light of the recent struggles we have been having with 'service delivery' in South Africa, I considered that it may be good to speak about hope, hopelessness, and living on the side of God's hope.You can download an audio version of the service entitled 'potholes and power outages living on the side of hope.mp3' [13.5MB]
Thanks for listening! Dion
PS! Please see the comment that Steve Jones made on yesterday's post about power outages. Steve, you are absolutely correct! I will be mobilizing the college and Bryanston to make a difference, and hope others will do the same!
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