The boys... It's early in the morning, but already a long way into the day!

Tomorrow I'll be preaching at 8.00 and 10.00 at Calvary Methodist Church, then 18.30 at Bryanston Methodist Church . But, for now, we're off to visit my mom. My sermons are all done so I can be at ease!
I had one of my last prayer and elders meetings at Bryanston this morning... It means a 4am wake up call for me to get ready and get through to JHB by 6am. These are, however, great times of fellowship, encouragement, and blessing as we pray, share in communion, and listen for God's guidance and direction.
I love my Church. It is a source of great encouragement, blessing, and truly a place in which I experience the joy of God's love through others. This is my 5th year as an associate minister (I calculated that I have preached just short of 200 sermons there!) I am constantly amazed that people have actually stuck around for that long (and a few more have joined)... Let's be honest, my theology is not exactly the norm... But, I have been challenged and sharpened by these faithful friends (many of whom I have never had the pleasure of getting to know personally). Our evening service averages an attendance of around 300 people or so, of course there are a core of people that one gets to know, but then there are many who 'pass through'.
These are the people that I think of when I wake up at 4am to get to a prayer meeting on a Saturday morning... I wake up knowing that what I am doing is worthwhile because of them.
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