Careful tagging, and keywords, that lead to massive web traffic.

There are many different ways of drawing traffic to your blog. Perhaps one of the most effective ways for smaller blogs such as mine, is to harvest traffic by using carefully selected words and tags.
I monitor the statistics for my blog daily and I have seen that one particular blog beats mine just about every day (I get around 150 to 250 unique visitors. He however gets between 300 and 550). The Blog is - it is called 'This little light...'
I have had a look through the author's posts. And there are some great posts there! However, I think it is this post (see below) that is drawing all the traffic. It has words such as Israel, Palestine, Eid, and Christmas in it... The post is entitled 'No room at the Inns in the little town of Bethlehem'
Palestinians had reason to be joyful this Christmas, with all the hotels booked inside what has been turned into a big prison by the Israeli wall of separation. Robert Berger reports for the VOA News from the little town mentioned by the prophets and later recorded by the Gospels as the place of Christ’s birth. Christmas was kicked off this year by Palestinian boy and girl scouts parading. Local clerics and pilgrims from all the corners of the world also joined in the commemorative events at the Church of the Nativity. The events were not disrupted this year by the Israeli forces (Jews do not acknowledge the legitimacy of Palestine nor that of Christ’s birth, while muslims and Christians do).
You can read the full report at the VOA News site. A Blessed Christmas to you and all your loved ones this year.
The Muslim holy day of Eil al Adha coincided this year with Christmas celebration, occurring as it did around the 20th of December. Eid al Adha is the day when Ibrahim (A.S.) obedience to God is recalled (Al-Baqara:196). Eid mubarak to all Muslims all over the world.
Reader Comments (4)
Hey Dion, i remembered this post from a while back (you seem to churn out posts very rapidly) - i also visited the blog you mention, and tried to find out who it was by. I'm not even sure if it is a south african blog?
hope the new students are settling in nicely - please say hi to Paul&Helen for me!
Hi G,
Thanks so much for the post. Yeah, my blog tends to be something like my mind... it works at a rate of knots and doesn't have just one thing going on at a time...
I have found that blogging on the run (either via the Nokia E90, or iPhone) keeps my post rate fairly high. In truth, I need a bit of traffic so that I can draw some attention to my books... It pays for future research projects and other publications.
With regards to this very popular blog, it would seem that the author is a South African who is living in Korea. He is a teacher (or she) if I am not mistaken.
With regard to Paul and Helen, I sure will do. Paul is an incredible gift to our community!
Much blessing (and thanks for your thoughtful posts AND the pictures of Table Mountain... Heck I miss the Cape!)
Thanks for your kind words Dion.
Aah - AdSense and the like - i see, i see. My friend" REL="nofollow">Adam also manages to make a bit of spare cash that pays for his hosting and a coffee or two. Keep blogging away then ;) I should have tagged you on my booklist instead ;)
Thanks for the info on the Korean mystery teacher. I'll wave at Table Mountain and Central Meth for you (my office is at methodist house in town actually).
Nice post. Salaam and give an extra wave to the Cape for me too.