A challenge from Ray Chung's blog - high idealism, low follow through.

This evening Ray commented on the previous thread in this blog. Thanks Ray! He also sent me a link to his blog. I went and took a look and found this incredible quote from Glenn Packiam - it challenged me!
"We're obsessed with beginnings - the start of a new project, a new relationship, a new book. Everybody wants to start a revolution; but nobody wants to fight to the last man standing. We long to be extraordinary, to be remembered long after we're gone, to be part of something greater than ourselves, to leave a legacy; yet we don't want to go to work on Monday morning."
What do you think? I tend to agree. Idealism in the contemporary Church is high, but follow through and the commitment to make the ideal (i.e., God's Kingdom of grace, justice, mercy and equity) a reality, is not quite so high.
Thanks Ray!
Reader Comments (4)
Great quote- thanks for bringing it to light. I posted about it on our blog as well- christchurch.typepad.com
Dion, thanks for the quote. Love it. I just finished Greg Jones' book "Resurrecting Excellence," some of which resonates with what you wrote. Speaking of, tell the Dean hello for me (isn't he visiting SA soon?) And Joe, who posted above, is my co-worker from Christ Church. Small world!
makes me think of the reading for sunday...
I think it's a phenonmenon that is rampant in our younger generation that sometimes finds it hard to see the significance in our day to day grind. a good reminder for all of us!