My chapter has been published!

Here's a picture of a BRAND NEW book entitled "44 Sermons to serve the present age" edited by my friend Angela Shier-Jones, and Kimberly Reisman.
I have written chapter 23 in it.
The aim of this body of work is to present John Wesley's 44 sermons in an accessible format for contemporary readers that are facing contemporary issues in their own context.
My own chapter interprets the use of money and resources from a Southern Africa Liberation theology perspective. I am so proud to be in the book with other authors such as Angie Shier-Jones, George Freeman, JC Park, Trevor Hudson, Mvume Dandala, Paul Chilcote, Theodore Jennings, Brian Beck, Richard Heitzenrater, Leslie Griffiths and a host of others! This is my first international publication! How cool is that!?
Reader Comments (8)
Great stuff. My application is in. They are waiting for yours. Blessings, Wes.
Thanks Wes, nope, I won't be throwing my hat in the ring for this one. I will, however, be praying SO earnestly for you!!! Wouldn't it be great!!!! You're right about God calling, and not the institution of the Church, I think this may very well be exactly what God has called you to.
Rich blessings my friend!
Congratulations my brother.
OK, I won't put more pressure. Would you mind putting in a good word with friend Louise? I am not putting my hopes up, but am praying that if this is God's will, that the clever people at UNISA will bloody-well listen. ha-ha.
Enjoy your time there.
Blessings and congratulations!
Well done bud...I am proud to be your friend...that makes me intellectual by association...
Well done,
I look forward to the read.
Hi Dion
This book looks like a really cool resource. How 'academic' is it? Do you think it will be accessible to the average English-speaking congregation member? How about non-English-speaking local preachers?
Congrats on your inclusion!
Hi Jenny,
I believe that the intention was to write the book so that it would be as accessible as possible. It is intended to make Wesley's sermons useable in new and diverse contexts - without the need to be an expert in either Wesleyan Theology or English. It would certainly be of use to local preachers! It should be available in SA quite soon.
Rich blessing from a VERY wet Oxford!