So, how do you rate!?

According to the intraweb (available soon on a stiffy disk at a store near you) I am this clever:
AND worth this much:
Any offers!? I wonder how many people actually base their true worth, or rate their intellect, by such tests? Scary!
I found these tests when I saw a project movie of a guy who took a photograph of himself every day for 6 years! You can check out his site here:
Here's the Video from Youtube:
Check out your scores and let me know... perhaps we could trade a few brain cells to pay towards my motorcycle fund!?
Reader Comments (4)
I bet you'd be even smarter if you lived in the USA. I have no idea at all how far Seattle is from New York City!
Somehow, I don't thinking moving overseas would help!
I wonder if anyone does take these things seriously? Because if you know enough to do well you should know better than to take it seriously. And vice versa . .?
Ha ha! Indeed Jenny...
My secret (which just goes to show how stupid I actually am) was to Google things like 'how far is Seattle from New York.... I still only got 21 right!
Ha ha!
Thanks for the comment! Much blessing,
Hey Big D I got 25/25 and I am a reject of the eductional system what does that mean?
Check my blog for how much I am gives me an excuse to get a bit of traffic on it...noboby ever leaves a comment :( boohoo.