Update on Church's response to ministers who registered a 'qualified yes' to the questions of discipline and doctrine.

Well, it has been an interesting week with a lot to and fro between various persons in positions of authority (or lack thereof) in the Methodist Church of Southern Africa in relation to the ministers who gave a qualified yes response to the questions of discipline because of the civil union bill / same sex marriage issue.
Today, Greg Andrews, gave a detailed account of how the events unfolded in the Cape of Good Hope District. You can read his post on his blog HERE.
Then, this morning a letter was circulated (a week late in my estimation) from the office of the Presiding Bishop to comment on this issue and the 22 of us who registered the qualified response. One colleague asked why this letter had not been drafted a week earlier, it could have avoided a fair amount of struggle, embarrassment, and upheaval!
Here's the letter. I would love to hear what you comments are.
Reader Comments (1)
hey dion
we arrived at synod (central district) expecting the bomb of 'qualified agreements' but were greatly disapponited at the non event. but low and behold, the wolmanranstad ( not sure of the spelling) riots added what had been missing - a real chance to question the role of church.
sadly no synod cars were stoned but hopefully all had the chance for reflection - we contnue to pray for 'service' delivery. bless u John Bailie