Liam the GREAT has a bath!

I uploaded the Video below onto youtube this evening. It is a video of Liam the great having a bath! So, for the more sensitive, and prudish, not that this video contains nudity (you'll see a naked 5 month old guy! Oh the shame!!!) Ha ha.
Take a look at how fat his little tummy is getting, and you'll even get a glimpse of Liam's little smile!
(PS. since this is a youtube video it does not need to load completely to play... So if you are on narrowband internet, just set it started and come back in a few minutes, move the slider to the start of the movie and you should be able to watch it without any problems).
As mentioned in the previous post, little Liam now weighs just over 5 kilograms (that's 5 times his birth weight). And he is perfect in every possible way!
Have a great week!
Reader Comments (2)
So often I am blown away by God's grace. Looking at Liam the Great bathing, wriggling AND smiling, blows me away again!! He is just SO handsome. It was wonderful hearing Courts chatting in the background too - brought back some exquisite memories of bath time with my blessings when they were as little!
Love & Blessings to all at Fosterdom
That was so enjoyable - so nice to see him laughing and smiling:)