Church of the Vespaholics

Church of the Vespaholics
Originally uploaded by DocJelly.
Now, that's my kind of Church! All you need is a few faithful friends (of course when I say faithful, I mean more than just Vespa lovers, I mean people who can enjoy God in creation and two-stroke oil!), some reasonable weather, a good cup of coffee, and the time to enjoy being alive!
Aahhh.... The Church of Vespa. I wonder if they will still fall asleep during my sermons!? That could be dangerous! NOTE TO SELF - don't preach while people are driving...
PS. My 'old' 1968 Vespa comes back from the 'beauty shop' tomorrow. A member of a local Church owns a panel shop and has resprayed her for free! Thanks for setting it up for me Ronnie! You're a real friend. I can't wait to post a few photos!
So, check back in a day or two, you may like what you see.
Reader Comments (1)
Can't wait to see "Miss Vespa 1968" after her cosmetic surgery! Hope you won't be too overcome with emotion ;) ENJOY! (like you need to be told that!!)
Coronation Ave