Monetizing religion - Jesus and Mary for sale on your Cell Phone

This interesting post comes from Of course John Dvorak has his own little pithy take on this story (see the end of his post).
However, I suppose there is some truth in this - when there are people who want or need something that you can provide, our culture will monetize almost anything, including our Religion! Heck Joyce Meyer has done it!
If you are a Catholic looking for a saint in heaven to protect you, you no longer have to carry a small “holy card”. You can get the image sent to your cellphone.
A company in Italy started offering the service…but ran into opposition from some Catholic Church leaders who think the idea is crass and commercial.
“We found a need and filled it,” Barbara Labate, who came up with the idea with her business partner in a cellphone services company based in Milan.
Jesus and the Madonna are also for sale…
And always have been.
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