The link between Apple Mac and the Emergent Church conversation / movement has been confirmed!

This is something to cheer me up!
This is cross posted from my second favorite blog (my first favourite is still, the blog of my friend Sivin in Kuala Lumpur)... My second favorite blog at the moment is the 'Emergent Village' blog... Just as an aside, Scot Mcknight contacted me about two weeks ago (via Sivin) to say that he will be in South Africa early next year. I will keep you posted - he is going to be in Pretoria and it will be great to set something up in the form of an open forum of some sort...
Anyway, as an emerging emergent, with a Mac, a hoodie, two tattoos, but no goatee, I found this quite amusing... It made me smile after a truly rough day.
I thought it was GREAT! Here's one of my favourite Mac commercials in this series...One predominant stereotype of "the Emergents" is that we are all white, male, goatee-sporting Mac users. Well, hopefully you're making stuff today (and not shopping), but you might still be interested to know that the Emergent/Mac tie-in has now been confirmed by Science & Spirit magazine.
Writing in the November/December 2007 issue, David Gibson writes,
“Apropos of those funky Apple commercials, Catholicism would seem to be the geeky, un-hip fellow whose stodgy old operating platform is slow to the point of freezing. His Mac counterpart is a cool dude who projects Protestantism’s so-called emerging church movement.”
So, what do you think? Mac or PC? Catholic or emergent? Well, believe it or not a Church in the US has actually used this model to do a 'parody' of the Mac vs PC commercial entitled "I'm a Christ follower, I'm a Christian"
Here's part 1 of 4
You can find the rest of the parodies from here.
Technorati tags: Mav vs PC, Emergent, Emergent Christian Video, smile, Mac,Apple,
Reader Comments (2)
It's true, Dion! I'm white, male, have a somewhat goatee, love Apple Macs and even have my own Mac blog -" REL="nofollow">
I also like Bono and U2, contemplative prayer and the monastic for women in ministry and also missional ecclesiology. Oh, and I love coffee! Hooray! The stereotype rules!
As one who's ok with coffee, struggles to get a goatee growing, was tempted to get a Mac last month but then still stuck with a Dell,no tatoos ...
I'm rolling on the floor laughing.
But, I like Bono, and have been practicing contemplative prayer for years, try to contextualize monastic values and practices for my own life and ministry, definatly support women in ministry and leadership, and will shout missional ecclesiology is the non-negotiable ...