Another incredibly deep, and significant, prayer for the world...

This Sunday past I preached at the Calvary Methodist Church anniversary service (see the post below).
Once again Siphiwe Ndlovu was responsible for leading us through the prayers of intercession. His prayers are so inspiring, they truly make me feel connected with God, and with God's world! After he said Amen, I could have ended the service right there!
Here's a copy of his prayer.
Heck, I would love to have a whole book of these deep prayers! Come on Siphiwe! Let's do it!Candle Prayers 2 December 2007
Loving Lord God we come to you this morning as we give you thanks for the year that we as a community have had; and on this day, the first of advent - the time of waiting and great expectations, we pray for your calming and focus on what is important. We confess that we wait not for you but for Santa Claus, we wait not for you but for gifts, we wait not for you but the messy busyness that we have allowed to take the place of real waiting for your son Jesus Christ. Have mercy on us. Oh Lord we confess that in our busyness, we forget about a world that hurts - afflicted by much that weighs it down. So this morning we pray for our healing first and foremost. Loving Lord God heal us from the disease of ignorance in the face of the many ills of the world; heal us from the disease of blindness in the face of poverty and disease; heal us from the disease of silence in the face of injustice; heal us from the disease of too much concern about ourselves in a world where there is so much to care about. Oh Loving and caring God teach us today to care about the things that you care about. This morning we pray for your hand, Gentle Healer, to touch our hands holding too tightly to the gifts you have given us, help us to open them in generous ways; touch our hearts hardened and limited in their caring, give us hearts that beat to your heartbeat, hearts that hurt with those that hurt.
Lord God there are many in the world today who are in dire situations - We remember those in our world with less than sufficient, for those with no homes, food or love. We think of those who have come from across our borders and have no means to go back to have time with families. We remember and pray for those families in this world especially our country who have suffered bereavement, especially as a result of the scourge of HIV and AIDS. Our graveyards have become insatiable gaping holes, waiting in anticipation for the next victim. Wave after wave after wave of mourners come and go everyday to bury those who were once healthy and had a bright future ahead of them - now snatched from them by the disease of AIDS. We pray for those who lie sick in homes and hospitals, their lives ebbing slowly from them, helpless, dependent on others for everything. We pray for those whose tears have dried but continue to weep and bleed inside - you loving and caring God, whose vision is deeper, see those tears and answer those unsaid prayers. Protect the children from the harrowing effects of watching their parents die from AIDS and give those who have to nurse and feed their parents fortitude, courage and patience. Loving God we pray for a compassionate government that they may be resolute in their efforts to deal with this disease. We pray that their word shall match their deed, that they will go beyond ceremony and show, and commit resources to bring our world back to health.
Oh Lord we observe that even though this world needs so much more, there is so much to be thankful for. So for all caregivers, those who volunteer to walk with those who suffer from this disease, Lord we thank you and we pray that you shall continue to touch more hearts to walk with the sick; for all those who take care of orphans as a result of AIDS - neighbours, grandmothers, social workers, and homes where these children are cared for, we give you thanks, for each person who educates around issues of HIV and AIDS, for each person who visits and cares, for each person who gives food or washes a patient. In the face of this disease there are people who continue to stand witness for you kingdom. We thank you.
And Lord today we pray for those who are abused - some are here with us, they have to endure a life of emotional blackmail, some have to listen everyday to those who claim to love them demean them through disrespectful words and acts, some have to bear the actual brunt of physical abuse. Many of the abused have to carry the added burden of carrying the secret of their abuse with them – they have to maintain a public façade, pretend everything is alright and smile while they are in physical pain or are emotionally scarred. And loving God, we pray for the abusers - and we confess that we too use demeaning words against others, we ignore those we are supposed to love and care for, and sometimes we disrespect those who deserve our respect. Have mercy on us and heal this world.Amen
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