Update on Liam - 3 December 2007

I went straight to the hospital from the airport this evening.
Megie and Courts spent the day with little Liam at the hospital today. I am pleased to say that he is doing much better this evening.
Although, the Doctor was not too happy with his lungs, so he will stay in for another day (we had hoped that he would come out of hospital tomorrow, but it looks like he will only get home on Wednesday). His voice is still a little rough, and his chest is still quite wheezy, but at least the fever has broken. AND, he can still 'projectile vomit' for the A-team (sorry kids, I didn't mean to scare you! But it's a fact of life when you have a baby!)
Here's a picture of Liam with Megie (please excuse the quality of the picture it was taken with my cell phone camera).
You'll notice that they had to put the drip into his little foot. He pulled it out of his hand and his arm (quite a feisty little fellow - just like his dad!) So, now it looks like he has a cast on his left foot.
The sisters in the ward say that he doesn't like it when he wakes up and we're not there... I can imagine... It breaks my heart to leave him at the hospital!!!
Thanks for all the prayers! They are clearly working!
Reader Comments (3)
Glad to hear he's doing better. Prayers still being sent your way.
Hi D, M, C & L
We are thinking of you. We are glad to hear that Liam is getting better and just hope he comes home tomorrow:)
Thinking of you, Dion the fam and Liam. Pray for health and well-being.
Reggie, UNISA Missiology