Launch of my new eBook "An uncommon spiritual path - finding Jesus beyond conventional Christianity"

This is an advert for my new book, so please feel free to skip it!
Getting a book published takes a little while (depending on who your publisher is, it could take quite a while!). Just ask my friend Wessel, he and I are doing an INCREDIBLE book on mission together (it is complete except for a few little touches). Pete has an incredible chapter in the book!!! So, keep an eye on this site. This one is being published by 'The Upper Room' and will be published locally and in the US (the US copies will take a little while!)
In the case of my books, and my fantastic publisher (AcadSA Publishers), it takes about 2-5 months to get a book from its final draft format, once you have written it, into print. Once you've written the text there is editorial work, cover design, the layout, format, indexing, registration with the copyright authorities, and then of course the actual printing and copying. So, you can see why it takes a while to get things done.
When I completed my last book 'Christ at the centre' some months ago, I started on the next book in that series. I completed the text for the book about two months ago. So, now we are on the home stretch! I hope to have the 'paper copies' available by the end of February!
However, with the advent of ebooks, I am able to get the book published in electronic format as soon as the text is complete and edited.
The book is entitled: An uncommon spiritual path - finding Jesus beyond conventional Christianity.
Here's the blurb from the book:
Are you tired of 'consumer' driven religion? Are you finding that the 'popular' steps to faith no longer satisfy your desire for true spiritual living? Then the novel and courageous approach of this book could be just what you have been longing for.
The truth is that people cannot be whole unless they have an active and deep spiritual life. One of the great shortcomings of many contemporary western cultures is that they lull us into believing that we can find peace, joy, and fulfillment in what we own, or in what we do. Sadly, many people have come to discover that the pursuit of wealth, power, and recognition by one’s peers, are shallow and meaningless against the backdrop of what it means to be truly alive. When one considers that a human person has physical, psychological, and spiritual needs, the pursuit of true and ultimate meaning becomes all the more important in a world that seems so increasingly devoid of depth.
This book charts a different course to the norm. It examines a way of life that may seem quite austere and strange to most of us. However, it will be shown that it is not the spiritual methodology, or even the content of this particular spiritual path, that brings blessing and peace. Rather, it is passing beyond methods, ideas, and even doctrines, that brings us into the presence of the God who gives and sustains true life; the kind of life Jesus speaks of in John’s Gospel (John 10:10)
This uncommon spiritual path examines the 'non-dual' spirituality of Henri le Saux (Swami Abhishiktananda - meaning 'the bliss of Christ'), a French Benedictine monk in India. His approach is challenging, courageous, and even unsettling in some instances. However, his deep commitment to finding Christ is an inspiration.
So, if you're interested in reading a copy, fire up your PC (or Palm handheld, PocketPC, Symbian phone etc.) and head over the Mobipocket, download the reader software and download a copy. Sorry Wes, no luck with the Mac users among us - unless you run Windows emulation...
You can find electronic copies of three of my four books by clicking on this link to Mobipocket. Or, you can order paper copies (of those that are already in print) from this site.
Exciting times!
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