Wii! The most fun you can have indoors! Well, almost...

The weather in Knysna is not too good today. So, after we got back
from Church this morning (Graham and I went to an incredible worship
service at the Knysna Methodist Church where John and Debbie van de
Laar - see led the service. Their worship
team is incredible, and John preached a challenging message from Luke
2 entitled 'great expectations') we came home to Graham'e place to
play some Wii sports!
from Church this morning (Graham and I went to an incredible worship
service at the Knysna Methodist Church where John and Debbie van de
Laar - see led the service. Their worship
team is incredible, and John preached a challenging message from Luke
2 entitled 'great expectations') we came home to Graham'e place to
play some Wii sports!
Just take a look at Graham's incredible TV! Now that is the kind of
TV on which to play games!
I need to start saving my sheckles to buy one of these! It is so much
fun, plus you get a bit of exercise while playing.
Here's a picture of Courts playing 10 pin bowling.
Thanks for an incredible service John! I could attend your services
every Sunday... Now, if only I could figure out how to live in Knysna!
Reader Comments (3)
The Wii is much cheaper in the States (we even have one!)...considering the weakness of the dollar right now, you could probably fly on over, buy a Wii, and go home richer than you started!
Blessings on your family this Christmas.
Wohoo! you know you're right! Any excuse to get to the States!!!!
I'm packing my bags, and counting my cash!!!
Do you think you can meet me at the airport ;-)!
Ha ha!
Gosh! I would give my eye teeth for a Wii!! We could play cricket and maybe that way I could finally get my revenge by beating my son who is an AVID Aussie supporter! He is 21 and clearly VERY confused :)
Love & blessings to you all in "Knysna-Forsterdom"