Spiritual discipline (and procrastination)... Mere existence...

On of the negative side effects of the 'Puritan' work ethic (it actually comes from a neo-Calvinistic emphasis on sin and guilt... I researched it when I was supposed to be doing something far more important) is that we believe that our lives should be regulated by tasks and time.
I was once told my one of my students (who arrive late for a lecture because he was speaking to someone) "You may have a watch, but I have time". He was quite right of course, people are more important than watches.
I am a list person - I keep lists. Sometimes, when things get really busy, I keep lists of which lists to refer to in which order. I find that I am most productive when I simply switch off and become a bit like a mindless drone.. Sad that! I simply plow ahead with whatever needs doing next, trying my best to remove all emotion (whether positive or negative) from the task. That is ALSO not God honouring. God does desire that we fill all tasks (no matter how mundane, or important, with love and grace). But you see the problem, I have discovered, is that when I allow emotion in, I tend to avoid doing the unpleasant things, and hanker only after those things which please me, or those which fool me into placating my guilt (i.e., at least I am doing something, it may not be the thing that needs doing, but it is something)!
So, instead of exerting the energy to break the inertia of nothingness and break into a spate of creativity (like writing an article, or editing a book, or preparing fresh course notes) I tend to 'fool' myself into doing lesser things so that my mind is taken off the guilt of not doing the more important, and more difficult, things....
Jen Tyler, a friend from Chicago, posted this video clip on her blog a few weeks ago:
Life can be a bit like that.
I guess that there is a fine balance that needs to be kept here.
Life should not be regulated by either tasks or time! These things don't truly matter. Life should be regulated by faithful obedience to God! Now, that demands courage - it demands the courage to take on those tasks and activities that are necessary and important for discipleship and the establishment of God's Kingdom here on earth. It ALSO takes courage and discipline to know which things NOT to take on, and which things must not be done (even if they are urgent.... They may not be as important as something else). It also takes courage to overcome the guilt, some of which is merely a product of a false 'ethic' imposed on us by a society full of people who don't actually have an idea about what is important.
The converse is of course that Godly labour is just that, Godly! So, if you've been putting off doing something important by filling your life with all sorts of urgent things (like squeeky chairs, clean desks, and doing your shopping), then maybe, like me, you should pray for the discipline and courage to live your life for what truly mattes.
STOP PROCRASTINATING! Just a bit of friendly advice ;-)
Technorati tags: procrastination, spiritual discipline mere existence
Reader Comments (1)
Those lists! They go on forever. The constant checking to see if you are doing the priority items that matter to the greater scheme of things and not the immediate demands. A constant life long battle. I have tried so many different software programmes etc. to help (Entourage not bad with its projects!)
Why do I need help? --- Yes, I am a right brain drain! 63%