Weird blog post of the day - What happens when SPAM is turned into art? [Picture]

Like most of you I get LOTS of spam in my inbox every day! Invitations to get a cheap mortgage (whatever that is... In South Africa we only have home loans), the best price of cheap degrees (what the heck for, I've already bought my fair share) and adverts to extend certain parts or... well you know, swallow the blue pill...
Well, have you ever considered what it would look like if SPAM headlines were turned into works of art? Now that's the kind of stuff any self respecting internet Junkie needs to have on their office wall!
Go here for more - Enjoy!
This is the blurb from BoingBoing:
Linzie Hunter paints illustrations that incorporate the subject lines of the spam she finds in her in-box. She captures the daffy mania of spam-subjects perfectly, too! Link (via Kottke) See also: Spam subjects printed on custom tees
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