Are you a World of Warcraft addict!? This cartoon may scare you out of it! [Pic]

I have never been much of a gamer myself. In fact, even though I own a PSP I can't say that I have every actually sat down to play a game! However, I know a few folks who have spent days (and nights) trying to get just that next level of World of Warcraft (WoW) done....
I was going to repost the cartoon on my blog, but then when I followed the link I realised that it was very rude. So sorry for that! I won't post that kind of stuff....
Here's the cartoon from boingboing.net. Click here for the Link to the original post.
Please note, this is not polite! As the 13th century heresy would have said pious auribus offensiva (this is 'offensive to pious eyes')....
Technorati tags: WoW, World of Warcraft offensive
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