Wohoo! Hitting the big time - my little prayer book is listed on MobiPocket!

The internet is truly amazing! I signed up my little prayer book on Amazon.com, and it has been selling like hotcakes (not exactly retirement money, since I listed it without considering what it would cost me to post it to the Amazon warehouse in the USA... So, I make a loss of a few Rand on each paper copy that sells).
However, it is just been listed on Mobipocket and it is selling wonderfully well there too! The fantastic thing about Mobipocket is that once I have uploaded the completed file I don't need to do a thing! I simply check my account from time to time to see how many copies have been sold and then start worrying about declaring the income (so far only a few hundred Rand, but still!) to the Taxman... Also, remember, that all profits go to the Zimbabwe relief!
I will add my other two books as soon as the paper copies are available and I have posted out the pre-orders to those of you who have ordered copies.
Here's a picture of my little book on Mobipocket.com.
By the way, Mobipocket is a great way to read books (other than mine), I have bought quite a few books to read on my Nokia, Palm, and PocketPC phones (I even have the client for my Sony Vaio Windows XP PC). In the past I have bought Brian Mclaren's book 'A generous orthodoxy', a few Michael Moore books, and even Alexander Mcall Smith.
Simply download the client and then download a few 'trial' copies of ebooks from the site. Test it for yourself to see if it works.
Blessings, and thanks for sharing in my excitement! I'm off to preach at Bryanston Methodist Church.
Technorati tags: Prayer Guide, eBook, Mobipocket, Publish
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