Indian man marries a DOG [Picture] to show his remorse for stoning two other dogs to death...

Yup, that Karma's a slave master! Just ask Earl! If you don't repay big time for the sins you've committed your coming back as a dog in the next life!
So, here's a bizarre story of an Indian man who married a dog to atone for the fact that he stoned two other dogs to death. He believed that his actions had left him cursed, and so this was one way of breaking the curse....
Now that's the funny side of the story... But there is also a serious thing to consider. Richard Dawkings in his book 'The God delusion' lumps all believing persons in the same category as this guy. He says that what we are doing by praying, fasting, attending worship etc. is nothing more than this kind of superstition.
I have many, many reasons that counter his simplistic categorization of faith. However, the one thing that is unquantifiable is the experience of a life changed and run through by grace, or the miracle of transforming love that frees one from fear of retribution (or bad Karma) and releases one to truly live!
That is why it is always worth remembering, the way of Christ is not just forgiveness, it is also abundant life! And, of even greater joy, is the privilege of being part of God's wonderful plan to bring abundant, free, and blessed life to all people and all of creation! Now, that's much better than marrying a DOG! It makes more sense too!
NEW DELHI - A man in southern India married a female dog in a traditional Hindu ceremony as an attempt to atone for stoning two other dogs to death — an act he believes cursed him — a newspaper reported Tuesday.
P. Selvakumar married the sari-draped former stray named Selvi, chosen by family members and then bathed and clothed for the ceremony Sunday at a Hindu temple in the southern state of Tamil Nadu, the Hindustan Times newspaper said.
Selvakumar, 33, told the paper he had been suffering since he stoned two dogs to death and hung their bodies from a tree 15 years ago.
"After that my legs and hands got paralyzed and I lost hearing in one ear," he said in the report.
The paper said an astrologer had told Selvakumar the wedding was the only way he could cure the maladies. It did not say whether his situation had improved.
Deeply superstitious people in rural India sometimes organize weddings to dogs and other animals, believing it can ward off certain curses.
The paper showed a picture of Selvakumar sitting next to the dog, which was wearing an orange sari and a flower garland.
The paper said the groom and his family then had a feast, while the dog got a bun.
Anyway, she's a pretty bride regardless... I hope they have a very happy life.
Technorati tags: dog, Indian marries dog, karma, Dawkins, Atonement
Reader Comments (1)
Marrying an animal raises some ethical questions in the Christian faith. Whether it is a dog or a bitch may raise even more.