4th of October - Free Burma day!

To add this simple form and image to your site please go to the free Burma web page and simply copy the HTML directly into your blogger client. No hassle, no fuss! Remember, every person that clicks through and signs the petition adds another voice, and every voice counts. If you don't want to go through the trouble of finding the HTML yourself just drop me a line and I'll email it to you!
The simple proverb rings true - "When spider webs unite, can they not bind a lion?" You can make a difference!
Reader Comments (2)
Thank you for helping. FREE Burma!!!
Bush slammed the UN and the rulers of Myanmar in his UN speech last week. The only country that has any influence over Myanmar is China, and they can't and won't push too hard. There is too much Oil & Gas there that they need.
The UN must do something, but they never use military force to fight.
That is a huge problem.
Illegal drug and ruby fortunes are a BIG part of this too.
absurd thought -
God of the Universe wants
complete narco states
criminals in power
loving the corrupt drug war
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
shoot peaceful protesters
calling for democracy
which you must never allow
absurd thought -
God of the Universe thinks
keep trying communism
you can never KILL too much
pursuing Utopia...
Thank you for an interesting and challenging comment!
It interests me that GW Bush makes such remarks (when America has such a poor human rights record). However, I am pleased that he makes the statements anyway, since people do listen!
Thanks again for the comment!