A black South African wearing an AWB Uniform... A powerful advert for justice!

This is an incredible advert... It shows a black South African man wearing an old 'Khaki' uniform from the white supremacist group, the AWB. You can find out more about the advert on this link to adforum.
The caption reads [translated from Afrikaans]
"Any old clothes will do - you wouldn't be seen dead in these clothes, but for a homeless person they could mean the difference between life and death. Please donate any clothes that you no longer need"
Call the Salvation Army on 011 718 6746
Reader Comments (2)
You have just been tagged for the 10-20-30 membe. See" REL="nofollow">Notes from underground: 10-20-30 for details.
I share this with you – the story of Agnes at Lesotho Semonkong orphanage. This is an area that I visit and the story of Agnes tells it own story. Children in need. Maybe there are sponsort in your ambit who may consider sponsoring one of the 62 orphans. Food is R 75 per month and schooling is R 75 per month. Have a look at the film on YouTube through the link below when you have a chance. Blessings Herman