I touched a raw nerve! The flame war has begun! Read about the unhappy critics here.

I have been blogging since June 2005. I have never had GREAT traffic to my site. Simply, I guess, because I am more interested in having fun with the posts, working out my thoughts, soliciting responses, and having a bit of fun.
This last week I posted a link that I found on digg.com it was called "10 degrees that you wouldn't want your child to study towards". It is intended to be fun! First, it is fun because I understand the kind of looks (and thoughts) that people give when they hear I have a doctorate in theology and science (strong what? artificial who?) ha ha! But, it is also fun because I end the post by poking fun at myself (listing a fake copy of a degree that people often regard as more valuable than my ACTUAL doctorate - a JEDI PhD in science from MIT).
However, this post has touched a raw nerve somewhere since I have had two flames in the last few days (the first two EVER!). Take a look at the post and the comments here:
First, there was a lady from one of the Universities mentioned who said that I was disrespectful to the academy (as if it has some holy order or code that forbids criticism) - she concluded with a warning, saying that anyone who dares to be critical (even in a joking way) of fellow academics had better watch out and have huge.... Well you know what I mean. Then, this evening I got notification of a second post from someone who wished me "and my cancers" a happy life! Heck, who would actually write something like that!? Can't folks like this tell that not everything is meant to be taken so seriously!
So, to all those people who are offended by fun... Please don't be! Please! I will try not to take offense at your replies either! I have never deleted a comment from my blog (unless the author has asked me to do so). I won't delete your comments - so if you want to take the time to "flame" me, I will simply say 'thanks for spending a portion of your precious life thinking about me! I value and appreciate your time and your thoughts!' The gift of your time and thoughts are precious. Let the fun continue!!
Reader Comments (3)
Hey, flame-throwers
It wasn't a try. His foot was out! We won, so get on with your bloody lives and leave us Souf Efricans alone.
You can't change a thing... It's over... see a shrink... buy a teddy bear... start drinking (oh, sorry, you never stopped...neither have we)...hug the queen...
Your link to the offensive post doesn't work! Name too long maybe. Don't worry most of us enjoy the jokes - and is interesting to realise that there are real people behind some of those things!
Hi Jenny!
Thanks so much for the comment. I also enjoy a bit of laughter from time to time!
I've fixed the link (user error! Old age... call it what one will).