Pre-Order: A prayer guide for use during examinations

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With examinations upon us, I have edited a little booklet of prayers that are intended to help students to find hope, courage, and comfort, as they prepare to write their exams. The book also has prayers that can be used during the examinations.
The little books will be available in about two weeks time - it is currently with the printer (thanks so much to Manfred at AcdSA for his swift and incredible help). If you would like to order a copy of the book for yourself or someone else please just drop me an email and I will arrange to send one to you. They cost just R20 (excluding postage).
Rich blessing to all students who are preparing to write their examinations!
I have had quite a few students ask me for hints about the exam papers for which I am the external examiner... Here's my hint - study hard, pray hard, and don't forget that you're not alone! If you drop me a line with your details I would be happy to add you to my prayer list.
Here's 'blurb' from the back of the booklet:
Rich blessing, thanks looking in on the blog!
A prayer guide for use during examinations – The power of prayer in preparing for, and writing, examinations cannot be underestimated! Many of us have forgotten the pressure and struggle that students experience as they prepare for, and write, their examinations. The good news is that God longs to hear our prayers for help. God is always quick to offer help, strength, and everything that we need in order to give a clear and accurate account of what we’ve learnt. So whether you are at School, or University, God can help you to achieve your very best for God’s honour and glory.This little book of prayers is intended to help students, who are preparing for and writing, their examinations. The prayers remind us that we are not alone – God is with us! The original prayers were masterfully written by Roger Prentice and Virginia Cookman, Chaplains of Acadia University, in Canada. I first came upon them in 2004 when I was preparing a group of 80 Seminary students at John Wesley College for their final examinations. They have brought comfort, hope, and encouragement to countless students over the years. The authors gave permission for the prayers to be amended and prepared for use in their current form. My prayer is that they will be a blessing to you, or to whoever you give this little book to.
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