Do you need a better way to manage your time? Here's one way to cut those meetings short!

If, like me, you have 10 things on the go at any one time, then you may feel that there are times when you would love to be able to manage your time more effectively! Well, here's a sure fire way to keep those LONG meetings as SHORT as possible! Simply print a few of these tokens and have your assistant, secretary (or significant others) hand it to people as they arrive!
Seriously though, if you're in search of good productivity and lifestyle management advice, then I would suggest you take a look at one of my favourite websites I have been visiting this site for years and found some incredibly helpful information there...
Here are a few of my favourites (they are also in the top 9 at 43folders):
1. First steps to 'getting things done'. This is GREAT for the procrastinators among you!
2. How to improve the quality and delivery of your presentations, so that you're not just USING powerpoint, but rather getting your POINT across with POWER!
3. How to write sensible e-mail messages (that people will actually read and respond to! Not just scan and turf).
4. And, for those who know me (I always have two or three lists going, sometimes I have lists that tell me what lists to consult in what order....). Here's how to build smarter to do lists.
Technorati tags: 43folders, time management, meetings, getting things done, procrastination
Reader Comments (1)
I like this token idea! It's simply brilliant. I should try it some time soon. By the way now I manage my time with" REL="nofollow">Wrike