Days like these. It makes me thankful

I live in Pretoria (although most of my life was spent in Johannesburg, highschool, varsity etc.) I am told that Pretoria has one of the most temperate climates in the world. In other words, the weather here is great most of the time.
Today is no different, we had one heck of a storm last night (if you listen to the start of the podcast I uploaded yesterday you'll hear the thunder)! However, the day after a highveld storm is always lovely, everything is clean, it's green and the birds are in good voice.
There's another feature of spring that makes Pretoria a great place to live - Jakaranda blossoms. Jakaranda trees are not native to this region, but like so many of the transplants from elsewhere in the world to South Africa, they add great beauty. Jakaranda blossoms, which are a lovley hue of purple, with a very sweet smell, line the streets of Pretoria's older suburbs. They signal the start of spring, with its new life and opportunity (they also signal exams!)
I'm just about to go into our daily chapel service with my students at the College, this is such a joy, we will worship in an African idiom (as we do every day), with a drum, a bell, singing Xhosa, Sotho and Tswana songs. God is good, it is good to be African (in spite of power cuts)!
Have a wonderful and blessed day. Don't forget to notice the power and beauty of God along the way!
Reader Comments (1)
Thanks for sharing. It's beautiful.