This is an incredible opportunity to make a difference! We have never had an opportunity such as this to enter into dialogue and discussion about core human (and so also Christian) values! For 8 weeks, starting on Sunday 16 July, you will have a chance to engage members of your congregation in this conversation.
A series of 8 movies will be shown on SABC 2 at 8pm each week. A superb discussion guide has been provided for small group meetings, and there is even a children's story book to use with young people.
UPDATE 17 July 2006!
I have just added a link to superb small group material that can be used in your cell group, bible study, class meeting etc., it was designed and put together by the Discipleship cluster at Bryanston Methodist Church.
Click here for the material in MS Word format: Heartlines - July 2006.doc
The book itself is theologically sound. It is very well put together, and free to anyone who wants one.
If you would like a copy of the whole book you can download a compressed (ZIP) file that I have put on my website from here. The file is about 2.3MB and is called "Heartlines Values Book.zip". You will need a PDF reader to open it. If you don't have one you can download one from www.adobe.com.
Simply unzip the file and you can print and copy the book for yourself and your members. Friends, this is something truly worthwhile. I would encourage you to get your members to watch the Television broadcasts, you may even wish to preach on each of the 8 values in the week in which it will be broadcast and discussed.
Here's a copy of the official press release:
TV Broadcast starts Sunday 16 July at 20h00 on SABC2
The long anticipated National Conversation will kick off at the same time -
a conversation that we pray will be echoed in every home, every church, every school, every South African community.
We hope that you will focus the life of your church or community on these values that - if lived out - can transform our nation.
You can use The Values Book (download at http://www.heartlines.org.za/fbo_mobil.html) for teaching and discipleship.
We ask you to
Ø Write letters each week to the media to express your opinion
Ø Phone in to radio or TV talk shows that will profile the values
For the first time in the history of the SABC these films are to be broadcast on all 3 channels in the same week
SABC 2 Sunday 20h00
SABC 1 Thursday 22h00
SABC 3 Saturday 14h00

Reader Comments (2)
This is a great opportunity. Please note though that the children's material is only being published now and will become available at the end of July. This is a travesty and a missed opportunity by the organisers of this initiative. The kids' colouring book is aimed only at the very young and so the older primary school children are not catered for at all. There is also no children's ministry guide to the series - another oversight I believe as many churches are going to miss this opportunity to have the entire church family engage with these values in age-appropriate ways.
To this end we have developed our own Heartlines curriculum for all our children's ministry age-groups and "Talk Time" cards for the families to take home. I am more than happy to share this with others - contact me on promiseland@bmc.org.za for further info.
Hey Art! That is a wonderful offer! I hope a few people take it up. I will certainly get a copy for my little sweetheart!
I can see your passion for young people in your comment!