I guess it depends on your perspective...

As many of you would know I am not exactly a supporter of George W Bush. Well, that may be a little understated if I have to be honest. I would be a much happier man, and the world would be a much safer place, if he were not the President of the United States of America!
However, you just have to feel sorry for the guy. It must be tough going through life constantly messing up! Even more so when you know the world is watching and waiting for your next bungle, and you just can't stop meeting that insatiable appetite to ridicule you!
Hey GW, I feel sorry for you! I'm not feeling well today. I hope to be better tomorrow! I hope that soon you too will be free from having to torture yourself, and entertain us, with your constant mistakes. Perhaps America will come to its senses and vote someone else into your office in the next round of elections? I think that will be better for all of us.
The video below is George W's latest embarrassing mistake. Here's what John Dvorak had to say about the incident:
"Bush makes fun of a reporter who wore sun glasses as he asked a question. The reporter was gracious enough to not point out that he was blind."
Did you get that? The reporter is blind! That's why he is wearing sun glasses! In South Africa we would say "How blind for George W Bush!"
But there may just be some deeper universal message coming through here.... Wait for it....
Perhaps the blindest one there was not the person wearing the sunglasses, but the one making fun of him! Check out the Video below (it is in Apple Quicktime format). Simply click on the picture and it will load.
John C Dvorak is a columnist with a biting wit! You can check out his great Blog here: http://www.dvorak.org/blog
Reader Comments (1)
On my way home from a wedding rehearsal last night I heard a report on the radio news that GW had offered an apology to Mr Wallsten....
Shame! I wonder who explained his mistake to him!?